Reiki in Farnborough

Farnborough Airport or TAG London Farnborough Airport is an operational business/executive general aviation airport in Farnborough, Rushmoor, Hampshire, England. The 310-hectare airport covers about 8% of Rushmoor's land area. Wikipedia


Search Location

  • Crowthorne, Berkshire

Quantum Reiki Grand Master, Usui Reiki Master, Sound Therapy, Aromatherapy, Wellbeing Coach, Chakra Balancing, 100% 5 Star Google Reviews ————…

Distance: 5.57 miles
0 0 votes
  • Maidenhead Road, Berkshire RG40 5RR

Based near Binfield, Berkshire Emma began working as a complementary practitioner in the late 1980’s and has followed this career…

Distance: 10.51 miles
5 1 vote
  • 95 Maple Road, Surbiton, Kingston upon Thames KT6 4AW

I am a Reiki Master  and Complementary Therapist with over 20 years experience of working with clients to de-stress; assisting…

Distance: 20.62 miles
0 0 votes
  • 22 West Fryerne, Hampshire GU46 7SU

My name is Michelle and I was first attuned to Usui Reiki in 2009. I came away from the course…

Distance: 5.03 miles
5 2 votes