Reiki in Ayrshire and Arran

NHS Ayrshire and Arran is one of the fourteen regions of NHS Scotland. It was formed on 1 April 2004. It has a responsibility to provide health and social care to almost 400,000 people with an operating budget of around £700 million. Wikipedia

  • 65 May Gardens, Hamilton, Lanarkshire ML3 0SS

Laura is a Reiki Master Teacher/Health & Wellness Coach with 20 years of international industry experience. Her passion and knowledge…

Distance: 31.38 miles
0 0 votes
  • Castle Bay Court, Largs, Ayrshire and Arran KA30 8DS

I offer Reiki Healing for adults, children and pets as well as small group Reiki Training from Beginner to Reiki…

Distance: 19.8 miles
5 26 votes