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Elemental Indigo

  • 24 Finkle Street, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4AB

About Elemental Indigo

I started working with Reiki in 2009, after I had what you might term a ‘spiritual awakening’. I prefer to think of it as a re-awakening to the things I already knew – I grew up as an only child in a rural area, so feeling connected to and being aware of subtle energies was totally normal for me. Unfortunately (and as many a Sensitive often finds), the essence of who I am got buried under the usual pressures of growing up!

If you’re wondering about the name ‘Elemental Indigo’, It combines two of my traits that I bring to my healing work – I’m an Indigo Adult with a strong elemental or earth connection. I’ve seen and felt how holistic therapies can benefit us on much more thanjust a physical level, and I aim to share this message and energy with others in a way that isn’t too ‘airy-fairy!’

Events by sass841

Self-Care and Self-Love for a Healthy Body and Mind

We have all heard the words ‘self-care’…

What happens in a healing session and how does it work?

If you’ve never had a session of…

Reiki is the Bee’s Knees. FACT!

Well OK, not fact fact as such—I…

The Chakra System

In this article I’ll be looking at…

Responding with Reiki

Given all the horrendous events in the…

Self-Care and Self-Love for a Healthy Body and Mind

We have all heard the words ‘self-care’…

What happens in a healing session and how does it work?

If you’ve never had a session of…

Reiki is the Bee’s Knees. FACT!

Well OK, not fact fact as such—I…

The Chakra System

In this article I’ll be looking at…

Responding with Reiki

Given all the horrendous events in the…