Metatronia Therapy
10 Alaska Place, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4LT
About Metatronia Therapy
Tammy is a Spiritual Teacher, Archangel Metatron Channel, Ascension Mentor, Lightworker Trainer, founder of Metatronia Therapy & the Metatronia Foundation of Light. MTFOL is the home of Divine Metaphysics. MT is Source Vibration. A vibrational energy that assist with the Ascension journey. This is not just healing the body, mind, emotions, physical symptoms. It realigns you with your true divine blueprint, reigniting the light of the soul and connecting you to Archangel Metatron. Visit
Tammy offers Metatronia Lightworker Training, Support, Guidance, mentoring, Vibrational Transformation Coaching, Light Counsel, Energy Sessions, Metaphysician Training, Energy Practitioner Accredited & Approved Training certifications and Ascension Products. Working mainly distantly, with online mentoring/training Zoom sessions, all designed to assist your journey of Ascension. The Metatronia Foundation of Light is an Accredited & Approved Global Metaphysical Training Foundation and offers support and Training to all Lightworkers, Energy Practitioners & Therapists.